Iowa Uniform LLC Act: Section 489.108 Name
Iowa Secretary of State: Business Entities Search Help
Iowa LLC Name Requirements
To ensure that your desired business name has been found, you should perform an Iowa Secretary Of State Business Search before you form an LLC in Iowa. It must indicate that the LLC is a Limited-Liability Company. Therefore, the name should include the abbreviation LLC or L.L.C. at the end. An LLC is not a corporation.
The name of an LLC cannot contain any references to “corporation”, “incorporated,” or “corp.”
You must be able to distinguish your LLC from other Iowa businesses. Names must be unique. Grammar and punctuation differences do not make a business name different from another.
How to search the Iowa Business Entity Databank
You can search the Iowa business directory for information, whether you are looking for information on another business or a new LLC. The system’s simple functions make it easy to navigate the database.
Navigate to the Search Page for Business Entities on the Secretary of State’s website. In the search box, enter your preferred LLC name. To maximize your search results choose the “100” option in the drop-down menu.
Click “Search.” A page will be generated based on your search terms. Simply select the business to access its summary. Click on any business entry to view all information about it, including its stock information and filing history.
These tips will help you search for more information:
- You can leave out the ending punctuation and “LLC”.
- Capitalization is not something to be concerned about.
- Only enter the first or second word of your chosen LLC name.
- To be more thorough, enter part of the first sentence.
If you get a message saying “Sorry, no Results”, it means that there are no similar LLCs in the Iowa database. You can use the one you like. If you do not receive results, changing your business name to something more distinctive is possible.
You cannot use the same business name as another. You must create your LLC name from scratch.
Sometimes, it is not possible to be certain that the name you want to use is available. If this happens, file the paperwork anyway. If the name isn’t available, the state will reject it and ask you to modify it.
Once you have found an available Iowa LLC name, you can choose a Registered agent.
Reserving a Business Name
Although you may have a great name for your business, you are not ready to set up an LLC. Iowa allows individuals to reserve business names for up to 120 days by filing an Application For Reservation of Name.
Send the application and $10 filing fee to
Secretary of StateBusiness Services Division
Lucas Building
1st Floor
Des Moines, Iowa 50319
How to create a corporation in Iowa
You must first file the Articles Of Incorporation online with the Secretary of State and pay the $50 filing fee. You can also attach your payment to the application, and mail it to:
Regular Filing
PO Box 670
Columbus, OH 43216
After forming your corporation successfully, apply for an EIN to open a bank account under your company’s name.
How to form an Iowa LLC
First, choose a name to establish an LLC within Iowa. Names must be unique and include “Limited Liability Company” (or one of its abbreviations) or “L.L.C .”).”. Some words, such as attorney, university, or bank, are not allowed because they require licenses. Even if your goal is to start your own business, it’s worth looking into purchasing a domain name.
Next, select your registered agent. Next, choose your Registered Agent. This is the person or company who can receive legal papers on behalf of your LLC. You, your friend, or a relative can serve as the Registered Agent.
To register your LLC in Iowa, you can file your Certificate of Organization. Although the state doesn’t provide a sample Certificate of Organization form, there are instructions on how it can be created on the website.
Six Steps to Take After Starting a Business
You should consider these things after forming your Iowa business:
- Register for a bank account at your business and apply for a credit card.
- Register your LLC to receive tax benefits.
- Select your accountant and accounting software.
- Get the licenses and business permits.
- Get insurance.
- Respect employee hiring compliance.
Business808, a renowned consulting organization that aids startups in scaling and growing, is led by Andy Brooks as Editor-in-Chief.
Andy has over 12 years of consulting experience and is a pro at creating and managing profitable businesses. He has experience working with several LLCs and Registered Agent services and has a degree in business management. Andy enjoys providing useful information for Business808.
In addition to writing for Business808, Andy is a well-known author and speaker, and an active contributor to several online business publications, imparting his knowledge on how to grow an LLC.